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Англо-русский словарь - ray


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Перевод с английского языка ray на русский

noun; dim. of Rachel, Raymond Рей
RAY (личн. имена) - уменьш. от Rachel и Raymond; Рей
 1. noun
 1) луч
 2) проблеск; not a ray of hope - ни малейшей надежды
 3) zool. луч (в плавниках)
 4) rare радиус
 2. v.
 1) излучать(ся)
 2) расходиться лучами
 3) подвергать действию лучей; облучать II noun скат (рыба)
Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  1. луч the rays of the sun —- солнечные лучи a ray of light —- луч света 2. проблеск, луч a ray of hope —- луч (проблеск) надежды not a ray of hope —- ни малейшей надежды 3. физ. луч; pl. излучение alpha rays —- альфа-излучение cosmic ray —- космическая частица cosmic rays —- космическое излучение 4. мат. луч, полупрямая 5. бот. зоол. луч 6. топ. линия визирования directional ray —- визирный луч 7. излучать (также ray out, ray forth) 8. излучаться 9. расходиться лучами 10. облучать 11. зоол. скат (Batoidei) 12. ист. вид шерстяной ткани в полоску 13. ам. ура! ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) луч; расходиться лучами; излучать; подвергать действию лучей, облучать 2) язычковый цветок соцветия сложноцветных 3) ихт. ромбовый скат (Raja); pl ромбовые скаты (Rajidae) – actinic rays – aggregate ray – alpha rays – anode rays – bat rays – beta rays – blind torpedo ray – branchiostegal ray – bull ray – butterfly ray – cathode rays – characteristic X-rays – cow-nosed ray – cuckoo ray – deepsea electric ray – delta rays – devil ray – diamond ray – duck-billed ray – eagle ray – electric ray – electron ray – fan ray – fiddler ray – fin ray – flap-nosed ray – freshwater rays – gamma rays – hard rays – heat rays – homelyn ray – horned ray – incident ray – infrared rays – light ray – M rays – medullar ray – mitogenetic rays – phloem ray – pith ray – polar rays – positive rays – primary ray – residual rays – Roentgen rays – scattered rays – secondary rays – shark ray – shovel-nosed ray – soft rays – spectral rays – stray rays – thornback ray – thorny ray – ultraviolet rays – visible light rays – X-rays – xylem ray ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) излучение 2) луч 3) лучевой 4) геом. лучистый 5) матем. полупрямая industrial gamma ray source — машиностр. гамма-установка промышленная mobile gamma ray source — машиностр. гамма-установка передвижная - absolute ray - central ray - closed ray - collimating ray - concordant ray - epipolar ray - exposed ray - extraordinary ray - extreme ray - geodesic ray - isolated ray - isotropic ray - marginal ray - negative ray - nodal ray - normalizing ray - open ray - optimal ray - origin of ray - paraxial ray - pertaining to ray - positive ray - principal ray - projecting ray - ray center - ray centre - ray cone - ray conoid - ray coordinates - ray function - ray of light - ray path - ray picture - ray ratio - ray representation - ray space - ray theory - ray tracing - reflected ray - refracted ray - reversed ray - rim ray - separation ray - set up ray - singular ray - skew ray - unlimited ray ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  луч; пучок – cathode ray – ducted ray – gamma rays – guided ray – infrared rays – leaky ray – Lenard ray – limiting ray – meridional ray – normal ray – positive rays – primary rays – principal visual rays – reflected ray – refracted ray – skew ray – ultraviolet rays ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  луч, полупрямая; отрезок ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) луч; пучок излучать(ся); облучать 2) траектория 3) матем. луч, полупрямая - atpha particle rays - atpha rays - anode rays - anticrepuscular rays - beta rays - canal rays - cathode ray - cosmic ray - crepuscular rays - direct ray - extraordinary ray - gamma ray - generating ray - geodesic ray - ground ray - incident ray - indirect ray - infrared rays - invisible rays - laser ray - Lenard rays - light ray - molecular ray - obscure rays - ordinary ray - projecting ray - reflected ray - refracted ray - Roentgen rays - space rays - sun rays - ultraviolet rays - visible rays - X rays ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a single line or narrow beam of light from a small or distant source. 2 a straight line in which radiation travels to a given point. 3 (in pl.) radiation of a specified type (gamma rays; X-rays). 4 a trace or beginning of an enlightening or cheering influence (a ray of hope). 5 a any of a set of radiating lines or parts of things. b any of a set of straight lines passing through one point. 6 the marginal portion of a composite flower, e.g. a daisy. 7 a a radial division of a starfish. b each of a set of bones etc. supporting a fish's fin. --v. 1 intr. (foll. by forth, out) (of light, thought, emotion, etc.) issue in or as if in rays. 2 intr. & tr. radiate. Phrases and idioms ray gun (esp. in science fiction) a gun causing injury or damage by the emission of rays. Derivatives rayed adj. rayless adj. raylet n. Etymology: ME f. OF rai f. L radius: see RADIUS 2. n. a large cartilaginous fish of the order Batoidea, with a broad flat body, winglike pectoral fins and a long slender tail, used as food. Etymology: ME f. OF raie f. L raia 3. n. (also re) Mus. 1 (in tonic sol-fa) the second note of a major scale. 2 the note D in the fixed-doh system. Etymology: ME re f. L resonare: see GAMUT ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Anglo-French raie, from Latin raia  Date: 14th century any of an order (Rajiformes) of usually marine cartilaginous fishes (as sting~s and skates) having the body flattened dorsoventrally, the eyes on the upper surface, and enlarged pectoral fins fused with the head  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French rai, from Latin radius rod, ~  Date: 14th century  1.  a. any of the lines of light that appear to radiate from a bright object  b. a beam of radiant energy (as light) of small cross section  c.  (1) a stream of material particles traveling in the same line (as in radioactive phenomena)  (2) a single particle of such a stream  2.  a. light cast by ~s ; radiance  b. a moral or intellectual light  3. a thin line suggesting a ~: as  a. any of a group of lines diverging from a common center  b. half line  4.  a. one of the bony rods that extend and support the membrane in the fin of a fish  b. one of the radiating divisions of the body of a radiate animal (as a starfish)  5.  a. a branch or flower stalk of an umbel  b.  (1) medullary ~  (2) vascular ~  c. ~ flower 1  6. particle, trace a ~ of hope  • ~ed adjective  III. verb  Date: 1598  intransitive verb  1.  a. to shine in or as if in ~s  b. to issue as ~s  2. to extend like the radii of a circle ; radiate  transitive verb  1. to emit in ~s  2. to furnish or mark with ~s RAY  I. biographical name John 1627-1705 English naturalist  II. biographical name Satyajit 1921-1992 Indian film director, writer, & producer ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (rays) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Rays of light are narrow beams of light. ...the first rays of light spread over the horizon... The sun’s rays can penetrate water up to 10 feet. N-COUNT see also cosmic rays, gamma rays, X-ray 2. A ray of hope, comfort, or other positive quality is a small amount of it that you welcome because it makes a bad situation seem less bad. They could provide a ray of hope amid the general business and economic gloom... = glimmer N-COUNT: N of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 (often plural a narrow beam of light from the sun or from something such as a lamp  (the sun's rays) + of  (Rays of light filtered through the pine trees.) 2 technical a beam of heat, electricity, or other form of energy (2)  (a gun that fires invisible rays)  (- see also cosmic ray, gamma ray, X­ray1) 3 ray of hope/light/comfort etc something that provides a small amount of hope or happiness in a difficult situation  (If only I could see some ray of hope for the future.) 4 ray of sunshine informal an expression meaning someone or something that makes a situation seem better  (Little Annie was an unexpected ray of sunshine in her life.) 5 a large flat sea fish with a long pointed tail ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  airport code Rothesay, Scotland file ext. abbr. Rayshade NYSE symbols Raytech Corporation ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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